Thursday 5 May 2011


There are too many people dying prematurely because of overweight. People who overweight are having a high risk for many health conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes, cancers and obesity. The proportion of people who are overweight and obsess is drawing attention at the global width. Nowadays, Obesity becomes a serious health issue. To mitigate the problem, the Ministry of Health improved nutrition as a focus, and produced Healthy Eating- Healthy Action plan, which includes objectives and actions at all levels of the determinants of health and wellbeing. However, the obesity problem still tends to become serious.

Bawde states that “Obesity is excessive weight due to increased body fat. Where the Body Mass Index (BMI) is greater than or equal to 30. Serious obesity can lead to other health conditions e.g. coronary heart disease, diabetes and hypertension.” It has been estimated that approximately 40% of all deaths in New Zealand can be attributed to a combination of high blood pressure, elevated total blood cholesterol, low vegetable and fruit intake, and being overweight or obese. Overall, about 56% of New Zealand adults were overweight or obese in 2003.

The proportion of people who are obese is increasing internationally, especially among adults and children. This trend is significant in New Zealand. It is also evident in the Auckland region.

Obesity is a growing health problem which causes lots of mortal disease. The main factors influence people obsess are changing social and physical environment and dietary choices people make. The physical and social environment of countries like New Zealand has been called ‘obesogenic’. Avoiding physical activity and eating a poor diet are the easier options. In other words, every detail has been designed in this country may influence people obsess, such as availability and quality of open space, cycle ways, and walkways; food technology; food cost to consumer etc.

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